Sunday, June 11, 2006

New Base in Taliban Country

Canadian troops open base in Taliban territory

Forward Operating Base Martello is a bleak, dusty fortress gouged deep into the top of rocky ridges that command the El Bak valley about 200 kilometres north of Kandahar.

Protected by a cordon of Canadian soldiers and Afghan troops brandishing AK-47 assault rifles, army and police officers held a Shura with village leaders within the razor-wired bastion.

Brig.-Gen. David Fraser said the fort will help coalition forces root out Taliban in the area and set the stage for development projects, such as schools and health facilities.

"We are going into the traditional areas where the Taliban live and operate," said Fraser, commander of the multinational brigade in southern Afghanistan.

This is frightening territory, but I don't think our troops are afraid. It's the best way to root out the evil that lives there, get the job done, and get home.

Best of luck to our Forces at FOB Martello!


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